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Patch Notes [04/02/19] - Re-releases

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Join date : 2015-06-16

PostStarberry 4/2/2019, 12:30 am


- Patch started at 6:00PM (PDT)
- Patch ended at 7:30PM (PDT)

New Items
Male :

Patch Notes [04/02/19] - Re-releases  UHcDWMg

Female :

Patch Notes [04/02/19] - Re-releases  D3mzrPt

Misc :



Item Shop & Game Changes

RE Packages will be removed from the shop.
Lucky Clover Collection Event
Arena Set Event
True Battle Kill+Death Event
Seal of Zodiac Gemini, Seal of Zodiac Cancer, Inferno, PhantomWalker, NeoAlchemist, and Whisper Wings will be removed from the shop.
Fortune Package sales continue.
Black Friday Blue, Gold, Gray, and Marine Blue will be on sale.
Enchantment increased rate continues! Enchantment success rate will be 25% higher (multiplicative, not additive)!
RedFox 3rd Anniversary Event: Title and Carat Box Giveaway - Event will be extended until our 2nd April Patch. Simply log in and the rewards should be on your account.
Tengoryu Karate, Ice Breaker, Red Rock Ninjutsu, Aikido, and Tongbeiquan will replace the existing scrolls in the medal shop and be featured this patch.
Cartomancer, Forgotten Fan of Sakura, and Shield Cannon will replace the existing ExoCores in the medal shop and be featured this patch.

Additional Notes
[Resolved] Guild Chat & Systems Offline
[Ongoing] Titles in Accessory Tab are missing unless sorting by names under "Face"

Bug Related Information & Skill Item Changes

Cancer : An issue where your opponent can glitch out of the V skill has been fixed.
Hitman RE: KKK+GK Command has been added to the command list.


Team Chat :

For Team Mode, there is now an option to turn on Team Chat.
The command for this is : /team [on/off].

When turned on, you will only see chat coming from your team.
When turned off, you will see chat from everyone.
Even if your opponent speaks in normal chat state, you will still not see what they are saying if your Team Chat is turned ON.

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